How it Boosts Athletic Abilities
Cordyceps is a fungus (mushroom) that lives on certain caterpillars in the high mountain regions of China. For the past several years, supplement makers have been reproducing Cordyceps in laboratories and selling it. Before discussing the athletic benefits of this product, letβs look at the health benefits. Cordyceps has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine, despite being extremely difficult to harvest. After all, it is normally found on the surface of high-altitude caterpillars, leading to its nickname, "caterpillar fungus."
Here are several health benefits that Cordyceps reportedly delivers:
promoting longer life
strengthening the immune system
improving athletic performance
reducing the effects of aging
improving liver function in people with hepatitis B
In addition, Cordyceps has been utilized to treat the following health issues:
bad coughs high cholesterol
respiratory disorders
nighttime urination
chronic bronchitis
kidney disorders
irregular heartbeat
unwanted weight loss
How does it benefit or boost athletic ability? Here are 3 ways it can do so.
Increases levels of ATP:
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is the source of energy that keeps everything going within every cell in your body, including your muscles. ATP is the biochemical method that your body stores and utilize energy.
By having an abundance of ATP, you are able to perform quick, explosive movements (i.e., sprinting, jumping) at a high level. By supplementing with Cordyceps, you could elevate ATP levels within your body.
Weightlifting is another aspect that boosts levels of ATP. It is well known that the best way to get bigger, faster, and stronger on the court or field is by lifting weights. What is NOT well known is that ATP governs your strength and endurance levels. So if you have weak levels of ATP, your weightlifting game will suffer.
This is why it is beneficial to supplement with Cordyceps. By boosting ATP generation, Cordyceps can extend the length of time you lift heavy weights. In turn, this extends the length of time you are able to perform explosive movements while on the court or field.
Improves VO2 Max
The definition of VO2 Max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured during incremental exercise. In other words, this measures your aerobic or endurance capacity.
A poor V02 Max leads to an athlete running out of gas before the end of the 1st Quarter. Supplementing with the "magic mushroom" may prevent that from happening.
Helps lower heart rate
A lower heart rate = being able to play ones respective sports and workout harder for longer periods. Several studies have shown that Cordyceps has the ability to lower an individualβs heart rate. A byproduct of this health benefit is it also can lower blood pressure in which is a fantastic thing for athletes who battle high blood pressure.
Supplementing with this mushroom elevates athletic performance by providing more energy, strength, endurance, boosts testosterone levels, improves heart and sexual function, and lowers cholesterol levels. As an athlete, what more can you ask for in a supplement?
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