Lemon - Lime Recovery Drink

What is consumed after a workout is vital for cellular reconstruction. Immediately following a workout, the best snack to eat is one consisting primarily of simple carbohydrates. ( A protein meal should come later). The 45 minute fuel window immediately following a workout is the best time to consume high-quality food. Fed within that window, the muscles will be better able to absorb the carbohydrate in the food, speeding recovery. To speed recovery, the body needs simple carbohydrates to enter the bloodstream. This means that the post exercise snack should contain very little fat and very little fiber, since both slow the rate at which carbohydrate enters the bloodstream. Up to one part of protein for every four parts of carbohydrate can be beneficial. This small amount of protein helps speed the rate at which the muscles absorb the carbohydrate, a greater amount will slow recovery.

Immediately following a workout a recovery drink is the best snack. The body often has trouble digesting when it is fatigued ( since digestion requires energy), so liquid and near liquid consistency is best. Once an hour has passed since eating your post recovery snack, it's time for a complete, nutrient rich meal.

The following recipe is from the 'The Thrive Diet'.

Juice of 1/2 lemon Juice of 1/4 lime 4 dates * 2 cups water 2 Tbsp agave syrup (easily digestible, slow-release carbohydrate) 1 Tbsp hemp protein 1 tsp dulse flakes (a sea vegetable, source of sodium and a plethora of minerals that help prolong hydration and therefore endurance) 1 tsp hemp oil (helps in the repair of soft tissue damage)

*High in glucose, a carbohydrate, dates are rapidly converted to glycogen in the liver. Maintaining an adequate glycogen supply in both the muscles and the liver is imperative for sustained energy. Dates are "Nature's Fuel."

In blender, combine all ingredients; process until smooth. Makes about 3 cups.

These foods, especially once blended, are easy for the fatigued body to digest and utilize.
