Sacha Fox Wellness

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5 ways to boost your metabolism...Number 3

3. Eat every three hours. When the body has to digest food, it has to work to break it down into a usable form. The fancy term for this is "the thermic effect." It simply means that every time you eat, your body has to rev up the furnace to break that food down. That doesn't mean you should eat huge meals every three hours. Simply eat a combo of high-fiber carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats in portions that are correct for your size and activity level. For example, I wake up early to train my clients so my first meal, a smoothie, is at 6.30am. I have my first snack between 9-10am, something like a 'chia bowl' (scroll down for recipe). Then lunch, followed by an afternoon snack-I love a raw energy ball & a green juice. Finish off the day with a nutrient dense dinner, always include a big green salad!