Strengthening and Healing Miso Soup
Coconut oil
Miso paste
Shitake mushrooms
Ginger root
Sweet potatoe
Red pepper
Tofu ( cubed)
Green onions
Nutritional yeast
Cayenne pepper
The proportion of vegetables depends on the amount of soup you want to make. In a large pot sauté shiitake mushrooms (healing benefits is its ability to power up the immune system, strengthening its ability to fight infection and disease), small amount of ginger root, potatoes and yams in coconut oil for a few minutes. Fill the pot up with water with the amount of soup you want to make. While water is boiling chop remaining veggies, be creative and seasonal and as much as possible use organic. I used baby broccoli , red pepper, arugula and zucchini. When potatoes are almost cooked, turn heat down to a simmer , add cubed tofu and the chopped veggies. Take out one cup of hot water, dissolve one to two heaping TBSP of miso paste (which is high in protein and rich in vitamins and minerals) by using a small metal whisk or fork. You don't want to boil the miso as that will kill the beneficial enzymes. Once fully dissolved, return mixture back to soup pot. Add one to two TBSP of nutritional yeast. With 18 amino acids, nutritional yeast is a complete protein. It is up to 55% high quality protein. In addition, it has 15 minerals in it. Finish the seasoning off with a little Braags and cayenne. Cayenne is one of the rare spice items packed with the highest concentrations of minerals, vitamins and certain phyto-nutrients. Garnish with chopped green onions. Enjoy this nutrient dense soup with a steaming bowl of brown rice sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds .