Sacha Fox Wellness

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1. Uttanasana- Standing Forward Bend with Shoulder Opener

1. Stand with feet parallel and hip width apart. Inhale reach your arms for the sky. As you exhale clasp your hand behind your back.

2. Inhale lift your shoulders towards your ears. Exhale pull the head of your arms bone back. Inhale press your feet into the earth firmly and grow tall in your spine.

3. Exhale bow forward with a straight spine. Keep knees soft. Let the weight of the head release. Work to keep shoulder blades drawn together on your back. Let interlaced arms release over your head as your heart soften towards the ground.

4. Take 5 deep breaths here and let your head be heavy like it weighs 100 lbs.

Benefits: • Calms the brain and lets the stressors of the day melt away • Stimulates the liver and kidneys • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips • Releases the muscles of your chest, shoulders and upper back

2. Anjaneyasana- Low Lunge

1. Come into a lunge and drop back knee to the floor resting on padded surface to cushion the knee. Align the front knee with the front ankle. Keep back toes tucked under. Hands rest on front thigh. Inhale lengthen the spine. Exhale let the weight of the pelvis settle.

2. Work with the breath to go deeper.

Benefits: • Deep hip flexor and thigh opener, which are generally the tightest muscles in active people. I find this an intense, but necessary stretch that feels amazzzing after! • Good for digestive health.

3. Ardha Agnistambhasana- Half Fire Log Pose

1. Start seated on the floor, legs outstretched.

2. Bend your right knee, placing right foot on the floor.

3. Place your hands behind your hips for support. Cross your left shin over your right knee, creating a figure four.

4. To increase the stretch of your left hip, flex your left foot.

5. Inhale lengthen the spine and lift the heart. Exhale tip the top of the sacrum in.

6. Breathe deep into your hips. As you exhale let the tension release out of your body.

Benefits: • Stretches the hip. Most people carry tension in their hips from physical activity and sitting at a desk all day. • Tight hips are related to low back pain. Everyone can benefit from this pose!

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana- Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

1. Sit with legs extended out in front. Cross right leg over left leg. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling. Press right foot down into the floor. Engage extended left leg by flexing the foot and pressing the back side of left the leg into the floor.

2. Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale twist to your right. Initiate the twist from the heart-- not from the head. Press the right hand against the floor just behind your right buttock, and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. Pull your front torso and inner right thigh snugly together.

3. Inhale lengthen. Exhale to twist deeper. Hold for 5- 10 deep breaths

4. Repeat on other side.

Benefits • This pose constricts the blood flow to the internal organs, once released there is a serge of fresh blood flow to stimulate the organs which brings well being to the whole body. • Stretches the shoulders, hips, and neck • Calms the nervous system after working out--brings the body back into balance.

5. Viparita Karani- Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

1. Sit sideways 5 - 6 inches away from a wall.

2. Lie down on your back. Pivot your body so you can get your legs extended straight up the wall.

3. Take your arms out to the side, palms up. Enjoy for 2-5 minutes.

Benefits: • Draws fluid from your leg muscles back to your heart • Gently stretches the back legs, front torso, and the back of the neck • Calms the mind • This is my favorite pose as it's a great way to let the intensity of your hard workout melt away. It brings lightness and brightness back into your body!