Sacha Fox Wellness

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Raw Chocolate Mousse

I was at my friend Ja's house for a potluck dinner last weekend when my friend Isla surprised us all with this AMAZZING raw mousse. The special ingredient..avocados! You must try make and taste this :-) 1/2 cup pitted soft dates 3-4 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 1/2 tbsp vanilla 2 1/2 cups (3 medium) avocados 3/4 cup carob or cacao powder

Soak dates in 1/2 cup of water for 5-10 minutes. Drain water and save. Food process dates, maple syrup, coconut oil, and vanilla until smooth. Add a few tbsp date soak water as needed. Spoon in avocado & carob/cacao, blend until smooth.

This is a rich mousse so break it up by making layers of fresh fruits then sprinkle with a little coconut. Bring this to your next dinner party and get your friends to try and guess the mystery ingredient...avocados!